Which fabric; natural, artificial, blend?

Natural fibres have been around for centuries and are either plant or animal based. Some well-known examples of plant fibres include cotton, linen, hemp and silk. Popular natural fibres include possum and wool, and like anything from Nature natural fibres get better with age.

Artificial fibres are man made and production of these started over one hundred years ago. They include nylon, polyester and viscose.

Blending natural and artificial fibres give the producer and consumer more choices. Blends are generally manufactured for a more durable product.

It’s usual in a retail setting to find natural, artificial and blended fabrics together. One way to find out if your choices will do the job you have in mind is to check the Martindale Rubs. This information is normally found on the hanger to which the fabric is attached. If you’re confused then be sure to ask for clarification so an informed choice can be made; the right fabric for the job will bring long term satisfaction.

Once you’ve narrowed down your selection take the samples to the space where they’ll be used and check them during daylight hours and under artificial light in the evening. You’ll cull down the fabrics even further.

Tip: Apart from an interior designer or a partner, do not ask others what they think about the fabrics you’ve chosen, it’ll only lead to indecision.

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