We are what we eat

Autumn is here and it’s time to save fruits and vegetables for winter. I’ve made peach chutney, bottled apples and pears, frozen passionfruit pulp and courgettes. The feijoas are yet to ripen.

It surprises me how few people eat enough vegetables to stay healthy and a recent survey in America shows the consumption of fruit and vegetables is decreasing. It’s likely that the Australasian diet is similar.

The following information is from Dr Mercola’s website:

According to the 2013 U.S. State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables, American consumption of vegetables and fruits is actually decreasing.

The results from this most recent survey reveal…

  • The median intake for American adults of fruit is 1.1 times a day and for vegetables, only 1.6 times daily.
  • For American adolescents, the median intake of fruits is 1.0 times a day and for vegetables, only 1.3 times per day.
  • 37.7% of adults, and 36% of adolescents report consuming fruits LESS than one time daily.
  • 22.6% of adults, and 37.7% of adolescents report eating vegetables LESS than one time daily

Research indicates that most of us will benefit from eating at least 2 pieces of fruit and a minimum of three different coloured vegetables daily. Eat well and stay healthy.

Thank you
