
Read the label on your toothpaste. Most supermarket brands have fluoride which doesn’t pass through your body. The end result may be illness or maybe even Alzheimers disease which is reaching epidemic proportions in Australasia.

Unfortunately we are being misinformed about the effects of fluoride.There’s an argument that fluoride is good for us as it occurs naturally, however the natural fluoride is silico fluoride. The manufactured one is sodium fluoride which is a non biodegradable bi-product of the petro-chemical industry. Before we were coerced into using it, through the media, fluoride was used in insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and nerve gasses.

Recently when my toothpaste (Weleda) was used-up I resorted to coconut oil. Using two thirds pure organic coconut oil and one third baking soda I mised two tablespoons of oil and one tablespoor of soda into a small bowl. What was unused was saved. Being summer this was easy as the oil was already melting in high temperatures. With my bamboo toothbrush I cleaned my teeth and gums; they have never felt so squeeky clean!

Put the remaining mix into a glass jar with a screwtop lid to protect it and keep it in your bathroom. It’s a cheap, natural and effective toothpaste.

Thank you,
