Tips for a NZ/Aussie Summer Holiday

During the holiday season we’re more social; visiting family and friends and entertaining in return.
The following suggestions, whether you’re at home or in your own tent or camper will ensure your guests enjoy their visits:
* Be genuinely happy to welcome them to your patch. Your energy, though unseen, is felt by people arriving
* Give them Real Food. Freshly sliced summer fruits, home cooked meals, and your own baked-in-advance biscuits
* Cement happy memories with smells of barbeque, pine and the freshness of sunshine
* Re-organise your space. If you’re staying home give your living room a special focal point. It might be a tree, a collection of family photos from Christmas’s and/or holidays past, or maybe some new cushions
* Minimise clutter and clean the house before your guests arrive
* Arrange seating for conversation rather than the television
* Add a fresh floral arrangement to the table centre. Some people have perfume allergies so avoid Christmas lilies
* Natural daylight makes us happy so pull back the curtains, pull up the blinds and open up windows and doors

As this is my last post for 2016 I wish you a wonderful time with friends and family. Relax, enjoy the holidays and stay safe.
Thank you,