The toilet

A toilet is for disposing of bodily waste while the bathroom is for cleansing the body. Therefore a toilet should occupy a separate room from the bath and/or shower.

A toilet can be a smelly room and that’s why, until the past century, toilets were outside. A bathroom on the other hand can be sweet smelling through the use of scented soap, bathing products and candles.

The main toilet should be positioned away from the public rooms. It should have sound-proof walls and a door that seals. Visitors would not feel comfortable if their body noises are heard through the living room while those on the other side of the wall are pretending to ignore the distraction.
I once lived in a house that had an air vent along the bottom of the door. Although I intellectually understood it’s purpose it was not a wise choice, sound-wise.

Some things to look for when purchasing a new toilet:
* A soft-close toilet lid to reduce banging if dropped.
* A coated ceramic pan with steep sides ensures waste is removed in one flush.
* Some toilets remove odours. If yours doesn’t then an easily opened window or extractor fan is necessary.
