Safety at home – personal

One in three people need professional medical treatment annually. Many of these accidents happen at home and include broken bones, cuts and open wounds. Seventy per cent of people interviewed after the event say they could have avoided the accident if they had been more careful.

According to numerous authors on the relationship between pain and the part of the body we injure, the damaged limb tells us where our life needs attention. In other words, on a sub-conscious level we are trying to tell our conscious mind that we have an issue, one requiring closer examination.
For example, an eye problem will arise when we don’t like what we’re seeing. Or hearing issues when we don’t want to listen to what’s being said.
Regarding our torso, the front is an indicator of what’s ahead for us and the back of our body relates to the past.
Lung issues tell us we are not fully breathing in life and the heart is about loving oneself.
For further information on this interesting topic take a look at the following books:

* You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
* Permanent Healing by Daniel R. Condron
* The Body is the Barometer of the Soul by Annette Noontil

To reduce self-harm, assess the job before starting. Think it through, consider the dangers involved. If you’re short on time or motivation then do it another day.
Don’t use knives, power tools or a stepladder if you’re angry or exhausted; personal safety is your responsibility.

Thank you,