Safety at home – inside your building

Falls are the main cause of accidents inside the home, with around 250+ fatalities per annum among New Zealanders, mostly women over 65 years. The following are areas to be aware of:

* steps
* wet floors
* polished marble floors
* unanchored floor rugs
* stairs without a firm hand rail
* steep stairs
* poorly lit stairs
* places where lighting is dim
* electrical cords stretched across the room
* objects left where people walk
* lack of space around furniture

Fire is another risk factor. It can kill in less than three minutes. Smoke detectors are regulation and a fire extinguisher is recommended, particularly if your family cooks with oil.
Many products found in our homes are synthetic or plastic and, in event of a fire, out-gassing is more likely to kill than flames. Synthetics burn twice as fast and twice as hot and can give off up to 500 times more toxicity than conventional materials.
For this reason alone the occupants of a Healthy Home will chose:
* one level only (no stairs)
* a minimal number of steps
* extra power points/no extension cords
* natural products

Consider how you’ll be spending you latter years and plan ahead.

Thank you,