Safety at home – earthquakes

New Zealand is laughingly called the Shakey Isles and it’s true we have hundreds of earthquakes every year, often every month, and sometimes every week. It is, therefore, really important to plan ahead as your home and contents may determine how well you fare when we’re hit.

Civil Defence gives a list of requirements for preparing and surviving without help for several days. Consider your forward planning from the moment you start house-hunting. A single level house gives better odds than a two storey building. A wooden home is more flexible than brick or stone. Tall furniture is likely to topple before short pieces. Heavy items will do more damage than light. If you have the opportunity to build a new home investigate the companies that offer a guarantee that your house will withstand a 7.5 earthquake. As I’m Bay of Plenty based I’m aware of the assurances given by Lockwood Homes. There may be other building companies in your area.

Napier had it’s big quake in February 1931 and Christchurch’s devastating earthquake struck in February 2011. Being prepared will help get us through those first traumatic days.

Thank you,