Post 10 The Entrance

If you’re working very hard and not receiving the benefits due to you, take a critical look at the entrance to your home. It is like the mouth of a body; the place where the energy or chi flows in. If you wish to receive greater abundance here are some tips:

Ideally we would lead the eye inwards through repetition using colour, texture, pattern and shapes. Use the outside forms inside for a sense of continuity. For example some plants thrive in both locations and this can look very effective. Check with your local nursery.

Most of our homes are made up of straight lines, particularly noticable at the entrance. To harmonise the area use curves, circles and wave shapes e.g. round garden pots , a half round table, oval mirror or circular mat.

Balance and symmetry are important for mental health so set the scene by having items in pairs.

From the front door, if it’s possible to see right through the house, the energy may be flowing out – perhaps through a window opposite the point of entry (before you’ve had time to reap the benefits). To slow the fast moving chi, hang a chandelier, a windchime or a clear cut-quartz faceted crystal.

If you enter your home via the kitchen, dining room or laundry there may be other challenges; the issue can be resolved. Please contact me.

Thank you,
