Post 8 Mouldy Homes

There’s a strong link between mould in houses and poor health.  Moisture and dust are the key offenders so here are some tips for reducing both:

  • Ventilate your home every day
  • Each morning pull back the curtains and let in natural daylight
  • Open windows and doors and allow air to circulate
  • In bathrooms, run a fan during showering or open a window
  • In the laundry, vent out the moisture-producing drier
  • In the kitchen use an extractor fan during steamy cooking
  • Avoid gas heating which produces moist warmth
  • Wipe condensation off windows
  • Ensure curtains do not touch the glazing
  • Move furniture away from cold exterior walls
  • Wipe surfaces regularly and if you notice the wall or ceiling is damp investigate further
  • Regularly vacuum furniture, curtains and any fabric you are not able to wash

Children in particular are sensitive to mould and should not be in spaces where there is a damp stale smell. A dehumidifier makes a room feel warmer, even before the  heating is turned on. The only time not to use this convenient item is when people are spending  an extended time near a dehumidifier, e.g. sleeping, as it draws moisture from everything.