Post 9 Home Office

The Home Office is somewhere you could be spending a great deal of time so giving this room a welcoming feeling is good for you and any clients who drop in.

Some issues for consideration are lighting, technology/electrical fields, ventilation, desk placement, colours and plants.

  • Task and general lights; LED or incandescent are your healthiest options. Natural light should not devalue your ability to read the computer screen
  • Sit away from the screen, which gives off an electro-magnetic field, and place the wi-fi unit and transformers well away from you
  • An ergonomically designed chair is suggested unless you’ve moved to a new ‘stand up’ desk
  • Position the desk so you can see the door, have a solid wall at your back and, to avoid headaches, don’t sit below a heavy beam
  • Choose a generous desk with sufficient space for organised layout and include a Peace Lily plant. NASA research states this is your best protection against electro-magnetic fields.
  • A faceted Amethyst crystal or a piece of Obsidian will also reduce the impact of electrical fields
  • Warm yellow-based creams stimulate mental activity while an all brown room can lower IQ up to 12 points. Select a hue you like, though if in doubt send through an email.

Please refer to our website for classes which will provide you with more information on this topic.

Thank you,
