Post 7 Unseen energy

There are numerous energies that sensitive individuals, young children in particular, can be affected by. These include electromagnetic fields, underground water veins,  leylines and ghosts.

  • Electromagnetic fields from technology such as digital clock radios, electric blankets, microwave ovens and cell phones can impact health. Anything electric can interfere with our own energy field to varying degrees. The amount is dependant on proximity.
  • Underground streams, which can be many meters below the the sleeping person, may impact on quality of sleep.
  • Leylines a) Hartmann Lines run north/south and east/west approximately 2-2.5 metres apart b) Curry Grid runs south/west to north/east and north/west to south/east approximately 4 metres apart
  • Ghosts; some stuck earthbound entities can frighten sensitives who can see or hear them.

For electro-magnetic fields use a Tri-field meter (or contact me) to scientifically establish how far away one needs to be from the item.

The most common way to establish where to find water veins and leylines is to use dowsing rods. Where the lines cross there is potential for illness so use a local dowser or email me and I’ll let you know when I’ll be your area.

Earth radiation

Thank you,
