Post 6 Children’s bedrooms

Sometimes children have trouble settling at bedtime and as sleep is important for their development, and your sanity, the following information will support quality rest.

These topics include colour choices, bed position, items in the room and unseen energy fields.

  • Colour sends a subliminal message, as verified by science. Choose a hue that is restful and sleep-inducing rather than a hot active one. Relaxing colours include lavender which slows the heart rate, soft blue for trust, gentle green for harmony. Neutral tones of cream and taupe will also work colour-wise. Avoid bright primary colours on the walls as the vibrations are too strong for small children.
  • Position the bed so the child has some privacy. For health’s sake don’t have them sleeping under a large open window or with their feet pointing directly out the bedroom door.
  • Close lined blockout curtains together, shut the wardrobe, remove clothing from hooks, avoid large patterns on walls and knotted wood as imaginative children will see ‘things’.
  • Small children are senstive to unseen energy so don’t attach the baby monitor to the cot and if baby is frequently crunched up in the corner of their cot, then move it as it may be over a leyline, which we’ll discuss in a later post.

Thank you,
