Post 3 Clearing Clutter

When is the best time to clear the clutter? September!!

It’s spring and like nature we’re motivated to make changes.

By removing the remnants of winter you’ll feel fresher, lighter, more optimistic.

Plan on 20-30 minutes a day, at a time when you have the energy, and work quickly.

Clear communication is essential before you start, even with pre-schoolers. Share your plan with the family explaining to them that all clutter is about to go –

a) Back to where it belongs (everything should have a  “base”).

b) To Recycling

c) Into boxes marked Mending/Selling/Gifting i.e. jobs for later.

Start by getting stuff off the floor; clothes, papers, toys, technology etc.

After the floor is clutter-free then clear table tops, counters and sideboards completing one small area at a time.

If you’re unsure whether an item stays or goes ask yourself the following questions:

“Do we love this?” and  “Do we use this?” If the answer is “No” then move it on.


Have fun spring cleaning. Open windows and doors and turn up the music.

This is a brief version to get you started so if you have questions please contact me…

Thank you   Clutter clear
