Post 2 The Journey

Listening to my gut feelings has brought me on this journey.

I was a Travel Agent for a couple of decades heading overseas twice yearly to assess accommodation for brochured holidays. I enjoyed this part of the job so much I started studying Interior Design with Nanette Cameron and Sylvia Sandford.

In an Ahaa moment, 25 years ago, I discovered the importance of Feng Shui and travelled to Hong Kong to gather an armful of books. Further studies led me to joining a dowsing society where I learnt more about the importance of energy we can’t see.

After much research and practice I was on-the-road teaching interior design classes and doing Feng Shui consultations. During this time many challenges nudged me from one direction and to another in order to meet the right people in the right places at the right time.  Perfect outcomes.

This week I watched the Wayne Dyer movie (10 May 1940 to 30 Aug 2015) “The Shift” and it highlighted how we’re pushed to fulfil our soul’s purpose.Wayne Dyer

Take a look at the ups-and-downs of your Journey and how it has made you the person you are today. . .

Thank you,