Post 14 Christmas Food

Christmas is a time when we are celebrating with food and drink. Here are some tips to help us survive the “Silly Season” with minimal damage to our health.

a) DRINKS: Go easy on the fizzy drinks, a small bottle has at least five teaspoons of sugar. Sugar leaches vitamins and minerals from the body, removing calcium from teeth and bones. Be vigilant, avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners. Please read and understand the labels and get into a habit of drinking clean, filtered water with a squeeze of lemon or lime.

b) FOOD: My golden rule is to eat 80% real food, which gives 20% for the stuff I can’t go without at Christmas. Real food is vegetables, eggs, dairy, meat, fruit and nuts. Avoid anything processed and packaged in a factory such as white bread, ready-made meals and takeaways. Companies spend millions to create food with an addictive “bliss point”. These products  contain lots of sugar, salt and additives.

When you’re facing a table loaded with masses of choices, select REAL food. In the southern hemisphere we’re fortunate that Christmas falls at a time when there’s a wide selection of delicious locally grown, spray-free fresh products available.

Best wishes for a healthy, happy and safe Christmas. My next post is mid-January.

Kind regards,
