Post 12 What makes a Healthy Home-build

What does it cost the planet when you build or renovate a house? Consider reducing, reusing, recycling, repairing.

When planning on building please think of materials that are relatively cheap to produce environmentally, e.g. timber or brick.

Local:  i.e. locally sourced wood. It’ll blend with the environment and if supplies are plentiful the prices will be competitive. This also works to your advantage should you wish to repair or alter your home at a later date.

Chemical Free: Hardwoods such a Macrocarpa and some Eucalypts do not require treatment for durability…and they’re better for your health. When left unsealed wood filters the air, absorbs sound and is warm to touch.

Bricks: Old bricks can sometimes be salvaged. If clay is available closeby, handmade ones can be producted by those  who are enthusiastic and budget-driven. If stone is available in your area this is well worth consideration for your build.


Wood: for floors and furniture.

Hemp: A reasonably fade-resistant, natural anti-rot, anti-mould fabric that dyes well and has twice the strength of cotton is a great choice for curtains, couch covers and chairs. It’s especially suited to our climate where we have strong ultra-violet rays and high humidity.

Wool: for carpet, rugs and furniture. It’s warm and will last a lifetime.

Please think long-term and imagine how your house will look in 4 or 40 years.

Thank you,
