Other Bathroom considerations

In addition to the usual bathroom standards such as handbasins, benchtop, storage, shower, bath, extractor fan and lighting we’ll discuss other, less considered, factors.

To cater for all eventualities we suggest a shower that is walk-in/walker friendly/wheelchair accessible. If possible avoid a high maintenance glass shower that requires a squeegee after each use. Glass doors with handles and a small verticle ledge make it challenging to wipe the moisture away. If you’re over 60 it may be better to have a wet corner with a generous pull-around shower curtain. I’m suggesting an attractive weighted fabric of 21st century materials.
For those who love to soak in a bath the questions include:
* can we get in and out easily
* can we reach the other side of the bath to clean off the soap ring
* is the area around the bath safe if there’s water on the floor

A generous steamless mirror and correct task lighting is essential while a swing arm mirror to view the back of your hair is useful.

Tip: Take a shower in the morning to give you a kick-start of energy at the beginning of the day. In the evening, if you’re feeling tense, a soak in the bath is an aid to relaxing sleep.

Thank you,