Living Room health pitfalls

The spaces we live in should not compete with our ability to stay healthy. Here are some things to be aware of:

New Carpet will outgas and you’ll smell them. Don’t move into your home until that “new smell” has gone. Never put baby directly on the carpet. It may cause lung problems.

Use a bagged vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter which removes contaminated house dust. The bag reduces exposure to these nasties.

Fly-spray is a killer, even the “safe” pyrethrum options. And what happens to the spray? The particles are small enough for us to breath in and the remainder ends up on the floor, absorbed through our bare feet.

Do not use synthetic air freshners. In addition to the danger of breathing in chemicals the plug-in fresheners are one of the main causes of house fires.

Avoid stain and water resistant products on carpets and fury on the liver and immune system.

Turn off the wi-fi a night to reduce the effects of electro-magnetic radiation while you’re resting or sleeping. Reduce television viewing and computer work prior to bedtime. Relax in the  evening with pleasant conversation and gentle music.

Sick homes can receive help from some indoor plants, and that’s a later blog.

Thank you,
