Light life rings

Recently several people have asked about the Light Life Rings that hang over my kitchen and shower taps. This has come about due to conversations around the quality of our water and how it varies from place to place.

Water can be hard or soft and the PH levels can vary from low to high. This in turn governs how well our body is hydrated when we consume the water. The rings over my taps are 1 cubit (18cm) and made from copper. When water passes through the ring the vital force increases radionically and experiments show that * plants are healthier * animals prefer it * the vitalised water assists in flushing toxins from the body.

Slim Spurling invented this ring and if you go to the website you’ll find several ring sizes, types and prices.
For those who like scientific proof a similar improvement is made by putting water through a Kangen machine. Once treated the PH of the water becomes 8.5 which is the correct alkaline level for optimum health. If you want a different PH level e.g. for cleaning or beauty care there is the opportunity to apply this to the water also.

Essentially, water at a higher than standard PH is easier for the body, animal and plant to absorb. Hydration is a simple way to good health.