Laundry tips

Select your laundry products with care. Highly perfumed washing powders, liquids and fabric softeners are toxic and may be carcinogenic. Be aware that if we can smell a fragrance we are being exposed to the petrochemical-based perfumes. It may be from our clothing, and (worse) sheets and bedding touching our skin.

An option instead of Fabric Softeners is to use Laundry Soda Crystals. They’re a natural way to soften fabric. They also release stains when used for soaking dirty clothes.
I mentioned in an earlier blog that what goes onto our skin also goes into our bloodstream. On this basis I’d suggest using organic and natural products for washing and wearing. Underwear such as organic cotton panties and panty liners are a positive first step. For more information including pads and tampons see

We can save money by doing a cold laundry wash, with the exception of sheets and bedding which require hot water. Use the clothesline for the majority of the drying. The next option is a clothing rack in an area of the house you don’t live in. I find it depressing to be looking at damp clothing, particularly someone else’s. If clothes drier usage is unavoidable please resist adding products that are full of synthetic fragrance.

Companies selling a product are driven by profit. Rather than buying into their marketing we must take our health seriously; it’s our responsibility.

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