
Much money is spent researching the reason for illness. In this blog we are looking at the kitchen; sick homes equals sick occupants and I’m going to make some radical suggestions:

Get rid of all plastic containers; water bottles, hot water jug, storage containers.  Avoid buying food wrapped in plastic and reduce plastic wrap usage. Never use plastic wrap when heating food. The toxic condensation which drips into the food  contains BPA, Bisphenol, which affects eostrogen levels in our body and, as a consequence, damages health.

Throw out the microwave. It nukes the food killing all Chi (good energy) required to meet our needs on more than a physical level. When the Chi is gone from the food, we will eat and remain un-nourished and un-satisfied.

Replace non-stick pots and pans with ceramic or glass and store food in glass containers.

Remove all laminated products as they contain formaldehyde. The sink bench or flooring may be culprits.

Ensure your drinking water is clean and bless it before consuming; filtration is essential in most cases.

Vitamin D is the best supplement for improving health along with a daily dose of tumeric with a pinch of black pepper and coconut oil/milk or cream; all organic, of course. Research and stay well.

Thank you,
