Kitchen checklist

For those who enjoy making snacks and meals the kitchen is a key room in the home. In addition to the usual requirements (sink, cooker, fridge, storage, preparation area) this space must be functional.
Here’s a basic checklist:

* Does your kitchen meet your needs?
* Will it still be suitable in 10 years time?
* Is a dish drawer more practical than a dishwasher?
* Can you switch off appliances without crawling into a cupboard?
* Do you really need a microwave when a Top Cook Oven may be more useful, economical and healthy?
* Does your area have great drinking water or is it like much of the world; “could do better”
* Water is a huge contributor to good health, making a filter or water machine a great investment.
* Do you have adequate storage? Below-bench drawers are more useful than cupboards.
* Is there enough workspace?
* Do you have task lighting over your work areas?

This room gets the most wear and tear so buy the best tap you can afford. Horizontal work surfaces must be ultra-durable.

1. Shop around for knowledge, experience and best value before purchasing.
2. Get two or more quotes.
3. Place the most frequently used heavy items and crockery above knee height. This will save your back.

Thank you,