Invisible health challenges

Our body is an energy field and we are affected by electro-magnetic pollution. Here are simple ways to look after yourself:
* don’t live under a pylon
* don’t work above or below power cables
* Don’t sleep in the sight of a cell tower
* Don’t use a digital bedside clock
* Don’t buy an electric blanket
* Don’t spend long periods in front of a computer
* Don’t install fluorescent lights in a home or workspace

Invisible energies compete with your own; they sap your energy and your health. The greatest threat is while you’re sleeping; when your body is in rest and recuperation mode. Turn off all electronics in your bedroom including those little red standby lights. It’s important to sleep in a dark space if you want to wake up refreshed. Place your mobile well away from your body, preferably in another room. Investigate what’s through the wall from your bedhead. If there are electrical products or a wi-fi modem turn these items off; a regular wall makes no difference to the impact the electro-magnetic field has on you.
By removing the above challenges you can live more healthily and save yourself money too.

Thank you,