Internal cleansing

This week’s blog is about giving your body a kick-start into good health; cleaning your body on numerous levels. Illness may come from what and when we eat. Many of us are eating from early morning through until late evening although in an ideal world it’s smarter to consume all our food within an 8 hour timeframe. This approach gives our system time to recover. In addition, most of us eat far too much processed and genetically modified foods; the latest research indicates that these impact negatively on our health and general well-being.
Consider the following cleanses:

1. Cleanse the bowel and colon with an enima or a colon detox
2. Cleanse the kidneys by consuming parsley and asparagus
3. Cleanse the liver by eating tumeric regularly
4. Cleanse the lypmph nodes by bouncing on a lyphasizer
5. Cleanse the parasites by using black walnut, wormwood, cloves or a Malcolm Harker product. Another option is to use a Dr Hulda Clark Zapper
6. Cleanse heavy metals with the help of a professional health practitioner
7. Cleanse stuck emotional toxicity using Tapping (EFT)

It’s time we realised that if we give ourselves half a chance, the body is a self-healing mechanism.

Thank you,