Intermittent Fasting

Many of us are struggling to retain our ideal weight and the easiest method I’ve found is Intermittent Fasting.

This is when you tell your family that the kitchen closes at 7.30pm and it can be used for drinks only after that time.
So there’s nothing to eat for at least 13 hours; longer if possible.
Try to stretch the fasting hours until you’re hungry. Your body will thank you for it and you’ll be pleased to find your clothes feeling more comfortable. In addition your body gets a digestive rest.

It’s also likely you’ll find that breaking your fast with stewed apples* supports fasting by reducing blood lipids, lowering blood pressure, less inflammation and reducing the risk of cancer.
Intermittent fasting improves cellular repair and fat burning.
If your health could do with a boost, delay your breakfast and opt for a healthy brunch instead.
Start with fruit because it breaks down first in the gut. Follow with wholesome food you really enjoy, though avoid wheat e.g. in cereal or bread and no dairy products either.

Recipe for stewed apples:
Select organic apples with green skin such as Granny Smith.
* Halve, core and and thinly slice (leave skin on)
* Half a cup of water approximately
Place water and apples in a saucepan and cook for about 5 minutes (until the underside of the skin looks slightly transparent).
When the apples are soft you can eat ‘as is’, or add:
cinnamon or finely grated lemon skin or cranberries to taste. Bon Apetit!

Thank you,