Indoor plants for clean air

Within the home and workplace there may be a number of outgassing products. These can include paint, carpet, medium density fibreboard (MDF), electronics and plastics. They have a possible negative effect on health and to reduce the impact of these toxins please open windows and doors and ventilate thoroughly. The NASA Clean Air Study suggests that certain indoor plants remove problems such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air.
Consider these plants for a cleaner space:

*Peace Lily
*Golden Pothos
*Boston Fern
*Weeping Fig
*English Ivy

My favourite is the Peace Lily. It needs very little light and tells you when it wants a drink (the leaves droop).
It has a white candle-like flower and is a good general air cleanser. Place it near electrical equipment for maximum results

Then there’s the Phaleonopsis. It’s an attractive flowering orchid that lasts well.

Also consider the Chrysanthemum. When it’s finished flowering pop it into the garden and you’ll have a repeat performance the next year.

I had a Rubberplant for decades until it outgrew my room. It’s easy-care and can be put in a frost-free place outdoors.

The bright red Gerbera near the front door is a delight and like the other plants mentioned it works to provide healthier air in the home.

So when you’re considering a gift for a special friend buy a plant and you can all enjoy the benefits.

Thank you,
