Health problems with old carpet

Feng Shui strongly supports healthy homes and the quickest way to achieve this end is by
a) cleaning and b) minimising clutter
By taking this action and vacuuming regularly we can reduce the affects of dust mites, asthma and allergic reactions.
Old carpets may contain even more dust mites than bedding!

We suggest removing shoes at the entrance as toxic chemical concentrations are often walked onto carpet. Studies indicate that some old carpets can be considered a ‘hazardous waste dump… Shoes, wheels and paws may carry toxic residue inside. . . 80% of most people’s exposure to pesticides occurs indoors*’. Not all of this is from carpet, but think about where the chemicals accumulate from e.g. insect sprays. Never place baby directly on the carpet.

In conclusion, if you’re going to retain an old carpet it is important to reduce the use of chemicals and keep your spaces tidy and clean. Minimise the supermarket chemicals in your home, particularly relating to carpets.
A mindset around clutter-clearing and cleaning using natural products will help with family health.

* Nexus magazine, October-November 2002, page 36

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