Furniture choices, layout and usage

Your furniture layout will influence how the room operates. Aim to position pieces so people can walk directly from one side of the room to the other; it’s not ideal to be skirting around sofas and tables. If possible place the heaviest pieces away from the point of entry and put the television on the last wall you see. Align large and heavy furniture parallel with the wall though not necessarily hard against it.

Cutting out cardboard shapes to scale and placing them on the floor plan is a useful way to assess where to position items so they appear balanced.
If you have a couple of strong men who are happy to shift the furniture for you this is one option although a better way is using an ‘App’ (e.g. Freedom) showing what the piece will look like in its real setting.

Another consideration when purchasing furniture is the feeling you’re looking to create.
Are you wanting a space that is relaxed or formal, classic or contemporary, for adults or children?
Your choice of furniture, the size, shape and fabric will impact your future lifestyle. Additionally, sofa placement affects our emotional response; sited opposite each other is more formal than an L shape.
Penultimately, the focal point (where your eye goes to when you first enter the room) determines the subliminal response so be sure it’s a true reflection of your own personality.
Finally check by asking, “Does this space enhance my lifestyle?”

Thank you,