Food Shopping

What goes into your shopping trolley? It’s important to shop with a list because what comes off the shelf and is placed into your trundler is what you’ll be eating.

A woman I knew shuffled slowly towards me when I was shopping. She was leaning heavily on the cart as she filled it with cakes, biscuits, bread, crisps, and sweet fizzy drinks. I felt sad as this former model and attractive sixty year old who looked much older than her real age. Sometime later I met her at the Bakery where I offered to load her groceries into the car. I shared my concerns regarding her deteriorating health and she said she was keen to regain her former fitness levels. She knew what was in her best interests though her motivation to give up ‘The Treats’ was low.

Please, don’t put junk food in the trolley, end of story! Because from there it goes into your pantry then to your family. Do not wait until it’s too late to live a full life. We are what we eat, and drink, so if you’re expecting your body to run like a well oiled machine it must have the correct fuel. A cup of tea or coffee is a treat; make the majority of you fluid consumption clean, drinkable water. This may mean investing in a filtration system if there are chemicals added to your tap water. Make your food purchases natural and unprocessed; fruit, vegetables and organic meat; resist the temptation to purchase processed sugary products.

For the sake of your health, select your food with care.

Thank you,