Food choices

It’s amazing how many people have allergies. If this is the case for someone in your family you can test by removing major allergen foods from the diet.

Start by not consuming anything containing:
* gluten
* dairy
* sugar

Keep a record of everything eaten, then – after ten days of abstinence of the above Big Three – re-introduce one food group a week.

Avoid all genetically modified (GM) foods including soy, corn, canola oil and wheat, and be aware that it is not a requirement to list GM items on packaged food.

Prepare your meals from scratch; this means nothing from jars, cans or pre-packaged. Eat only real vegetables and fruit and minimal meat.

If possible purchase organic products; most fruit and vegetables are sprayed with fungicides and pesticides which can present health challenges. Don’t eat fast food; i.e. no takeaways. Your driver is to be healthy.

Vegetables can be lightly steamed or raw but never cooked in a microwave, which destroys the molecular structure of the food and the absorption of nutrients by the body.

Ideally all water will be filtered to remove chemicals such as fluoride, a neurotoxin. Drinking clean water regularly supports good health.

Slow down and enjoy the moment, and savor food that’s been prepared with love.

Thank you,