Fluorescent Lighting

Fluorescent lighting has an impact on health and when my daughter recently moved her business into a shop lit by fluorescent tube lights, and complained of sore and tired eyes, I was concerned.

Studies going back to the 1970’s demonstrated the correlation between light and health. In the 1980’s work by Dr Ott found that fluorescent lights in classrooms had side effects including hyperactivity, irritability and nervous fatigue in children. In addition, this form of lighting resulted in increased cavities and higher levels of stress.

Dr Ott’s five month study resulted in a change to full spectrum lighting (FSL) and produced astounding results in the classroom; a 67% drop in cavities and 32% drop in hyperactivity.

With this information I felt it was important for my daughter, setting up a new business, to replace the existing fluorescent tubes with full spectrum lighting (FSL). After searching around I found them at a large commercial electrical company. The new tubes (which fitted perfectly) changed the feeling in the space; it became brighter, more like daylight, and left my daughter happier and healthier.

In the 1980’s the German government banned the use of fluorescent lighting in hospitals and all educational establishments. Why are we so slow on the uptake?

Thank you,
