Feng Shui Gardens

The best investment you can make in a property is to improve what real estate agents call “The Street Appeal” of your home. To do this sucessfully there are some gardening tips and Feng Shui rules to be followed.

* The front door is easily seen from the street
* There are low growing shrubs on the east side so the morning sun floods into your home
* You have deciduous trees on the west side so you’re shaded in summer. In winter you can enjoy filtered sunlight through bare tree
* Trim or remove trees close to doors and window; to increase sunlight and energy flow
* Have a mountain, hill, high hedge or tall fence at the back of your property. It’ll give you a sense of protection
* In an ideal world, have water or a water view centrally located at the front
* Place the compost, vegetable garden and/or water feature at the back of your site and to the left as you look from the street. This is your Abundance corner.
* Place a barbecue, lights and pretty flowers in red and hot pink at the back of your site and to the right as you look in from the street. This is your relationships corner.
* Avoid fungicide and pesticide sprays as they erode good health. Never put them in or near your vegetable garden.
* Hide rubbish bins until collection day

For top street appeal keep gardens tidy, lawns mowed and edges neat.

Thank you,