Feng Shui Bathrooms

Bathrooms are increasing in number. When I grew up we had one for our family of five. Nowadays most homes have a main bathroom and an en suite next to the Master/Mistress Bedroom. In up-market homes you’ll find each bedroom with its own bathroom. This increase makes it even more important to get the room right.

* Best colours for the bathroom are white (for cleanliness) and soft watery pastels
* Take care with plumbing placement and avoid running water pipes under beds
* Don’t position beds against walls with water pipes
* Using a Bagua, avoid siting bathrooms in the fire or earth areas if possible
* Don’t place a bathroom where can be seen from the entrance
* Close the en suite door at night or use an air pressure ‘return’
* An ideal layout would have you seeing the toilet last and the most attractive features of this area first
* Do not have mirrors facing each other. The multiple reflections create negative energy

The five elements of five, earth, metal, water and wood should feature. Many bathrooms lack the fire element. Fire is anything red e.g. towels, and the pyramid shape in accessories. Candles are fire also and add to the ambience.

Bathroom considerations are more than fixtures and fittings and if you need help please call on a Feng Shui consultant.

Thank you,