Bleeding gums solution

This week we’re looking at dental health.
The data states that 80% of us have bleeding gums. I cleaned my teeth twice daily with a quality toothpaste yet I still spat blood. So I tried something different and it worked. No more bleeding gums.

It’s proper name is Oil Pulling. It should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, before consuming water or any other liquid.

* Start with a teaspoon of virgin organic coconut oil and after a few days work up to one tablespoon full. Place the oil directly into your mouth. Be warned, initially I gagged!
* Swish the oil slowly to ensure all teeth and gums are covered
* Do NOT swallow the oil. According to research it can cause lipoid pneumonia if accidently consumed, so this is an adult-only habit.
* Continue to swish for as long as possible, at least 10 minutes, preferably 20 minutes.
* Spit the milky saliva into the toilet (to avoid blocking the drain)
* Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water then have your first drink or break (your) fast
* After breakfast clean your teeth with your toothbrush, in the usual way

Within the first few days my gums and teeth were healthier and the bleeding significantly reduced. Give it a go . . . I look forward to your feedback.

Thank you,