Beauty Blunders

Think about the products you put onto your body each morning. It could be liquid soap, shampoo, conditioner, cleansers, toner, moisturiser, body creams, foundation, eyebrow pencil, mascara, eyeliner, concealer, blusher, lipstick, lip balm and more. If you note the ingredients you’ll find a cocktail of carcinogens with the worst being in perfume.
Read the labels. If the product contains any of the following please, for the sake of your health, avoid it.

1. Sodium Lauryl or Sodium Laurith Sulphate (SLS and SLES)
2. Parabens; methyl, butyl, propyl, ethyl – di/mono/tri and PEG polyethelene glycol
3. Mineral oil
4. Urea and DMDM hydantoin
5. FD and C colours (synthetic)
6. Fragrance (synthetic scent)

Many of the above are derived from petroleum and are not what you want on your skin. Whatever you put on yourself is in your system within five minutes and your vital organs in 20 minutes.
To look after yourself and stay healthy please choose wisely. Naturally. As you replace your soaps and beauty products take the time to read labels. For me the simplist way to do this is purchase from Viola Organics, an Online company selling 100% non-toxic products. These must be stored in a cool dark place. As you reduce your toxic intake you’ll be healthier and happier avoiding common beauty blunders.

Thank you,