Art hanging in the same place year-round?

I’m questioning whether I should keep my art in the same place throughout the year? I move my living room furniture twice annually and the accessories are swapped around every few weeks.

A friend called-in on a stunning spring day and kindly told me “It’s time to move Rainy Days (the name of the key position duo piece).” I could understand her suggestion, now that winter was behind us.

With Rainy Days removed from above the mantel piece and now gracing a hallway wall I’m asking questions about its replacement. Should I get:
* An original which is always a conversation starter and good choice in a living room or
* A limited edition print which is usually a more economical choice or
* Buy a canvas and paint my own masterpiece using the colours already existing in the living room (caramel and coral with a touch of silver) or
* Borrow some art from a friend. I’m looking for 1 metre asquare so this could be a challenge, or
* Buy a metre-and-a-bit of beautiful fabric and stretch it over a frame

It this moment, as each piece in my home is personal to me, I’ll probably wait until my intuition gives me a nudge. Though I’d be interested to hear about your bare wall solutions.

Thank you,