How many chemicals do you put on your skin?

Recently I spoke to a group of women who are keen to be healthy. Here’s one of the topics I shared. According to recent research the average western woman uses “12 personal care products and/or cosmetics a day containing an average of 168 different chemicals.  Tampons, pads and liners are also chockfull of toxic chemicals, including dioxin, chlorine disinfection byproducts, plus genetically engineered cotton and pesticides”. *

Men tend to use fewer products such as creams, shampoos, after-shaves and toothpaste. Most of these are made by large, profit driven corporations and contain potentially harmful substances.

A French consumer group published a list of 185 products that could cause allergies, irritations or endocrinal disorders and research from Reuters found that of 13,000 chemicals in cosmetics only about 10% were considered safe.

Please please please read the labels when you purchase beauty products; avoid Mineral Oil, Parabens, methyl/butyl/propyl/ethyl, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Isopropyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, ethanolamine, urea, synthetic colours and propylene glycol. Buy only from a reputable company. I use biogrow certified organic products from Viola Organics. They have quality skin care products that are chemical free.

For more information refer to and *Dr Mercola’s website, or Elaine Hollingsworth; a published Australian author.

Thank you,
