10 Corporations control most of what you buy at the supermarket

10 Corporations Control Almost Everything You Buy | Visual.ly


Stop being slaves to the supermarkets and start growing your own food. If you’re unable to do this please buy locally-produced spray-free fruit and vegetables. We must escape genetically modified products and all the additives (listed and unlisted) found in processed foods. We cannot trust the corporations to look after our health. In fact many of their products will ensure we die from poor health and disease rather than old age. Chemical-laced foods will have us at the doctor, consuming pharmaceutical drugs and further supporting the corporations who put money before people.

One of the many means to remove our analytical powers comes about through the consumption of fluoride, a bi-product of the petro-chemical industry. Alzheimers disease is rampant in fluoridated communities. According to a long list of notable scientists “Fluorodation is the biggest scientific fraud of…all time”

If you value your health, do your own research on this really important topic. Here are a couple of references to get you started:

Take Control of your Health and escape the sickness industry by Elaine Hollingsworth

 Information on Genetically Modified Foods by Dr. Mercola

Please be responsible for the health of your family and live well.

Thank you,
