My Work

What is a beautiful Feng Shui space?

It's a place that looks and feels harmonious and balanced.  This is achieved through a combination of eastern and western techniques and this is where Zening Interiors can really help.

Zening Interiors is about spaces that look and feel good and this requires the application of both eastern and western design.

Zening covers three key areas connecting your home at a deeper level:


The Art of Placement is about putting your things in a position to enhance the item and energy of the room. Other considerations are where, how much and which colours to chose.

In an ideal world we prefer to spend time in spaces that are beneficial and sustaining. When purchasing a home it's not possible to tell if the property is healthy. Zening Interiors check this for you using a set of 'tools' including Feng Shui, dowsing with rods, the psychology of colour, the understanding of balance, texture, form and line.

When renovating or building you'll want to do-it-once and do-it-right. I can offer you my expertise to ensure you purchase the products that you'll still be delighted with in 20 years.

Kitchen1crop­CLUTTER FREE

I look at where you put things, if your kitchen layout is ideal for you, the best location for belongings being used, and stored, and whether you'll flourish while working from home.  I'll give you plenty of ideas.

I will help you to establish systems so you can maintain a favourable environment. Everything will have a specific place so you don't waste hours hunting for a misplaced item.

Room balancing at Zening Interiors is often about using your existing furniture and possessions and arranging them in a more practical, pleasing and harmonious way. Fresh air, light and other benefits of freely available Nature may also be used to re-charge energy.


Aesthetic appeal is dominant in Western interiors. When we add an Eastern approach, which we call "zening", we gain a holistic home.

There are ways to do things which cost little and mean much; using fresh flowers and potted plants, arranging like with like and discovering that little things do count. When it comes to small spaces we enjoy helping you there too.

We can "zen" ourselves, and our homes and places of business, through healthy living. Some people call it healing and after a class or consultation you'll be viewing life with fresh eyes.

Working in harmony with the environment ensures that the energy works for you. I aim to bring you wholesome, organised and beautiful spaces.

Zening Interiors in-home consultations

A Zening Interiors in-home consultation includes a site visit during which I will make an assessment of your land and analyse each of the spaces in your house. 

I will also use dowsing to reveal any stuck energy, which may be the result of previous occupants, underground streams or crossing lei lines.

When each room has been checked energetically and physically, including layout, products, lights and colours then suggestions will be made.  At this time "Space Clearing" can begin.

You'll have the opportunity to check the energies yourself, before and after.

You'll be asked to supply a copy of your house plan for use on the day of the consultation.  This will be marked with suggestions for enhancements and left with you.

The consultation fee is from $300.00 for up to two hours.

Please note: travel expenses are extra.

LotusFeng Shui

There are several Feng Shui "schools" (particular styles, guidelines and emphasis) promoted in Australasia. The Feng Shui I use is appropriate to the 21st century - they emphasize healthy and sensible choices:

  1. Form or Classical School Feng Shui - follows natural principles and works with chi energy - this  is based on the concept of  form defines energy.
  2. Intuitive or Modern School Feng Shui - is the Western adaptation of some levels of Traditional Feng Shui. Instead of Chinese culturally-specific symbols, the remedies used  are more appropriate to Western lifestyle and taste.