Post 12 What makes a Healthy Home-build

What does it cost the planet when you build or renovate a house? Consider reducing, reusing, recycling, repairing. When planning on building please think of materials that are relatively cheap to produce environmentally, e.g. timber or brick. Local:  i.e. locally sourced wood. It’ll blend with the environment and if supplies are plentiful the prices will Read More …

Post 10 The Entrance

If you’re working very hard and not receiving the benefits due to you, take a critical look at the entrance to your home. It is like the mouth of a body; the place where the energy or chi flows in. If you wish to receive greater abundance here are some tips: Ideally we would lead Read More …

Post 9 Home Office

The Home Office is somewhere you could be spending a great deal of time so giving this room a welcoming feeling is good for you and any clients who drop in. Some issues for consideration are lighting, technology/electrical fields, ventilation, desk placement, colours and plants. Task and general lights; LED or incandescent are your healthiest Read More …

Post 8 Mouldy Homes

There’s a strong link between mould in houses and poor health.  Moisture and dust are the key offenders so here are some tips for reducing both: Ventilate your home every day Each morning pull back the curtains and let in natural daylight Open windows and doors and allow air to circulate In bathrooms, run a Read More …

Post 7 Unseen energy

There are numerous energies that sensitive individuals, young children in particular, can be affected by. These include electromagnetic fields, underground water veins,  leylines and ghosts. Electromagnetic fields from technology such as digital clock radios, electric blankets, microwave ovens and cell phones can impact health. Anything electric can interfere with our own energy field to varying Read More …

Post 6 Children’s bedrooms

Sometimes children have trouble settling at bedtime and as sleep is important for their development, and your sanity, the following information will support quality rest. These topics include colour choices, bed position, items in the room and unseen energy fields. Colour sends a subliminal message, as verified by science. Choose a hue that is restful Read More …

Post 5 Bedrooms

Today we’ll share the essentials for a relaxing bedroom and things you can do to maximise quality sleep.  Ideally you’d start with a great bed, the  best bedding you can afford, suitable window treatments and an absence of clutter and technology: A wooden slat bed and a mattress that supports your back and allows for Read More …

Post 4 To make or not to make – the bed

There has been media debate this month on the issue of bed making. Writers who argue against bed making show photos of bed bugs; one of many creatures that live alongside us in an unseen world.  Those in favour of bedmaking prefer tidyness so here are suggestions for meeting both criteria: Each morning turn the Read More …

Post 3 Clearing Clutter

When is the best time to clear the clutter? September!! It’s spring and like nature we’re motivated to make changes. By removing the remnants of winter you’ll feel fresher, lighter, more optimistic. Plan on 20-30 minutes a day, at a time when you have the energy, and work quickly. Clear communication is essential before you start, Read More …