Author: admin

Health problems with old carpet

Feng Shui strongly supports healthy homes and the quickest way to achieve this end is by a) cleaning and b) minimising clutter By taking this action and vacuuming regularly we can reduce the affects of dust mites, asthma and allergic reactions. Old carpets may contain even more dust mites than bedding! We suggest removing shoes Read More …

Chemicals in new Carpet

The strong smell of new carpet is the releasing of chemicals used to make the product. It is recommended that occupants do not remain in the environment during installation and for the week following. New carpets out-gas volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) including formaldehyde and ethylbenzene and toluene. Formaldehyde: Can cause headaches, breathing difficulties (particularly in Read More …

Soft Floors

Carpet is first choice for living rooms and bedrooms in New Zealand. In Australia this medium is often found in bedrooms while harder surfaces are used in other parts of the home. Flooring choices include short pile, tight loop, twist, cut and shag pile. Plus artificial and natural fibres. You’ll be led, or naturally gravitate Read More …

Tips for a NZ/Aussie Summer Holiday

During the holiday season we’re more social; visiting family and friends and entertaining in return. The following suggestions, whether you’re at home or in your own tent or camper will ensure your guests enjoy their visits: * Be genuinely happy to welcome them to your patch. Your energy, though unseen, is felt by people arriving Read More …

Hard Floors

The older we become the more likely we are to suffer from falls and broken bones. We have a responsibility to do everything possible to avoid falling onto hard floors. Tips: * Do not drape extension cords across the floor. It could be a disaster for the occupant and the electrical appliance. * Avoid little Read More …

Maximising the living room

Here are some suggestions for getting more usage from the living room. The space already functions for sitting, eating, reading, television viewing, socialising and more. If your budget can run to a sofa bed the room will have an additional purpose. Consider two settings; one to suit your summertime activities and a cosier layout for Read More …

Furniture choices, layout and usage

Your furniture layout will influence how the room operates. Aim to position pieces so people can walk directly from one side of the room to the other; it’s not ideal to be skirting around sofas and tables. If possible place the heaviest pieces away from the point of entry and put the television on the Read More …

Furniture Decisions 2

In the previous Post, Furniture Decisions One, I mentioned Good Lines, running parallel to the walls and Naughty Lines which go across the room diagonally. In most cases we place furniture on good lines but there are exceptions. For example, when a television is across a corner it’s on a Naughty line, although it can Read More …

Furniture Decisions 1 (before purchase)

With all the choices available at so many furniture stores in your area and online how do we decide which sofa, chair, table etc to have in our own home. If you live in a small town they may allow you to have pieces “On approval” although in most cases you’ll have to use your Read More …


Why should we consider our bedding choices? My answer is “Because you spend about one third of your life between the sheets”. The products being discussed today include pillows, sheets, duvets and blankets. The following tips will help with your next purchase: * Always buy the best you can afford * Natural fibres breathe so Read More …