Author: admin

Tips for improving your biggest investment

Here are some tips to increase the value of your property if you’re wanting to make a minimum investment for a maximum return: 1. Have a neatly mowed lawn and a tidy site. Give it the appearance of being low maintenance and productive by planting easy-care fruit/nut trees and shrubs. If you live in a Read More …

Grow your own food – apartment owners

For those who have no space to plant vegetables on a patio or deck, please consider sprouting beans in a jar. They’ll be high in nutrition and take little space. Using a glass container with a mesh top, put a handful of seeds into your jar and cover with water overnight. Next morning pour off Read More …

Grow your own food – garden owners

There’s great satisfaction from growing, harvesting and eating your own home-grown vegetables. If you are middle aged we suggest you prepare a raised bed or two; it’s a great way to reduce the strains of bending. My friends have raised planters 2m long, 1m wide and 1/2 metre high. They are north facing, made from Read More …

Food Shopping

What goes into your shopping trolley? It’s important to shop with a list because what comes off the shelf and is placed into your trundler is what you’ll be eating. A woman I knew shuffled slowly towards me when I was shopping. She was leaning heavily on the cart as she filled it with cakes, Read More …


In the previous post I discussed Intermittent Fasting and suggested stewed apples for breakfast. It’s been said “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and when you eat this fruit daily and drink the juice there are major health benefits to be gained. Now we’re looking at another, perhaps controversial, topic… In order to Read More …

Intermittent Fasting

Many of us are struggling to retain our ideal weight and the easiest method I’ve found is Intermittent Fasting. This is when you tell your family that the kitchen closes at 7.30pm and it can be used for drinks only after that time. So there’s nothing to eat for at least 13 hours; longer if Read More …

Food choices

It’s amazing how many people have allergies. If this is the case for someone in your family you can test by removing major allergen foods from the diet. Start by not consuming anything containing: * gluten * dairy * sugar Keep a record of everything eaten, then – after ten days of abstinence of the Read More …

Safety at home – personal

One in three people need professional medical treatment annually. Many of these accidents happen at home and include broken bones, cuts and open wounds. Seventy per cent of people interviewed after the event say they could have avoided the accident if they had been more careful. According to numerous authors on the relationship between pain Read More …

Safety at home – inside your building

Falls are the main cause of accidents inside the home, with around 250+ fatalities per annum among New Zealanders, mostly women over 65 years. The following are areas to be aware of: * steps * wet floors * polished marble floors * unanchored floor rugs * stairs without a firm hand rail * steep stairs Read More …

Safety at home – earthquakes

New Zealand is laughingly called the Shakey Isles and it’s true we have hundreds of earthquakes every year, often every month, and sometimes every week. It is, therefore, really important to plan ahead as your home and contents may determine how well you fare when we’re hit. Civil Defence gives a list of requirements for Read More …