Month: October 2016

The toilet

A toilet is for disposing of bodily waste while the bathroom is for cleansing the body. Therefore a toilet should occupy a separate room from the bath and/or shower. A toilet can be a smelly room and that’s why, until the past century, toilets were outside. A bathroom on the other hand can be sweet Read More …

Other Bathroom considerations

In addition to the usual bathroom standards such as handbasins, benchtop, storage, shower, bath, extractor fan and lighting we’ll discuss other, less considered, factors. To cater for all eventualities we suggest a shower that is walk-in/walker friendly/wheelchair accessible. If possible avoid a high maintenance glass shower that requires a squeegee after each use. Glass doors Read More …

Feng Shui Bathrooms

Bathrooms are increasing in number. When I grew up we had one for our family of five. Nowadays most homes have a main bathroom and an en suite next to the Master/Mistress Bedroom. In up-market homes you’ll find each bedroom with its own bathroom. This increase makes it even more important to get the room Read More …

Kitchen checklist

For those who enjoy making snacks and meals the kitchen is a key room in the home. In addition to the usual requirements (sink, cooker, fridge, storage, preparation area) this space must be functional. Here’s a basic checklist: * Does your kitchen meet your needs? * Will it still be suitable in 10 years time? Read More …