Month: June 2016

Internal cleansing

This week’s blog is about giving your body a kick-start into good health; cleaning your body on numerous levels. Illness may come from what and when we eat. Many of us are eating from early morning through until late evening although in an ideal world it’s smarter to consume all our food within an 8 Read More …

Laundry tips

Select your laundry products with care. Highly perfumed washing powders, liquids and fabric softeners are toxic and may be carcinogenic. Be aware that if we can smell a fragrance we are being exposed to the petrochemical-based perfumes. It may be from our clothing, and (worse) sheets and bedding touching our skin. An option instead of Read More …

Healthy Bedrooms

Today we are looking at the environment where we spend possibly one third of our life. When we get into bed a good habit is to recount all the things you have to be grateful for over the past day. Think of: * the fun you’ve had/who you laughed with * your exercise for good Read More …