Month: May 2016

Feng Shui Gardens

The best investment you can make in a property is to improve what real estate agents call “The Street Appeal” of your home. To do this sucessfully there are some gardening tips and Feng Shui rules to be followed. * The front door is easily seen from the street * There are low growing shrubs Read More …

Indoor plants for clean air

Within the home and workplace there may be a number of outgassing products. These can include paint, carpet, medium density fibreboard (MDF), electronics and plastics. They have a possible negative effect on health and to reduce the impact of these toxins please open windows and doors and ventilate thoroughly. The NASA Clean Air Study suggests Read More …

Beauty Blunders

Think about the products you put onto your body each morning. It could be liquid soap, shampoo, conditioner, cleansers, toner, moisturiser, body creams, foundation, eyebrow pencil, mascara, eyeliner, concealer, blusher, lipstick, lip balm and more. If you note the ingredients you’ll find a cocktail of carcinogens with the worst being in perfume. Read the labels. Read More …

Living Room health pitfalls

The spaces we live in should not compete with our ability to stay healthy. Here are some things to be aware of: New Carpet will outgas and you’ll smell them. Don’t move into your home until that “new smell” has gone. Never put baby directly on the carpet. It may cause lung problems. Use a Read More …


Much money is spent researching the reason for illness. In this blog we are looking at the kitchen; sick homes equals sick occupants and I’m going to make some radical suggestions: Get rid of all plastic containers; water bottles, hot water jug, storage containers.  Avoid buying food wrapped in plastic and reduce plastic wrap usage. Never use Read More …