Month: September 2015

Post 4 To make or not to make – the bed

There has been media debate this month on the issue of bed making. Writers who argue against bed making show photos of bed bugs; one of many creatures that live alongside us in an unseen world.  Those in favour of bedmaking prefer tidyness so here are suggestions for meeting both criteria: Each morning turn the Read More …

Post 3 Clearing Clutter

When is the best time to clear the clutter? September!! It’s spring and like nature we’re motivated to make changes. By removing the remnants of winter you’ll feel fresher, lighter, more optimistic. Plan on 20-30 minutes a day, at a time when you have the energy, and work quickly. Clear communication is essential before you start, Read More …

Post 2 The Journey

Listening to my gut feelings has brought me on this journey. I was a Travel Agent for a couple of decades heading overseas twice yearly to assess accommodation for brochured holidays. I enjoyed this part of the job so much I started studying Interior Design with Nanette Cameron and Sylvia Sandford. In an Ahaa moment, Read More …